
Six Indonesian Youth behaviors to Prevent Transmission and Spread of Corona Virus Disease-19

Kumpulan : Jurnal Ilmiah (Non-Kategori) [Inggris]
Edisi/Volume : ,
Pengarang : Tri Anjaswarni, Harsono, Edy Suyanto, Wiwin Sri Wijinarti, Prasetyo Suko Widodo
Klasifikasi/Subjek : ,
Penerbitan : Universitas Pringsewu Lampung STIKES Lampung, Lampung: 2021.
Bahasa : Inggris
Lokasi : PUSAT-25-A-
Jumlah : 1


Children and adolescents are the future leaders. During the Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19) pandemic today, Indonesian youths need special attention so that they are not confirmed or not become a source of transmission. They must be healthy and safe. The purpose was to analysis of adolescent adherence in implementing 6-behaviors as a form of commitment to prevent the transmission and spread of Covid-19. The research design is observational. The population is youths aged 12-25 years who live in the territory of Indonesia. A sample of 1027 people were taken using a simple random technique. Data was collected during 1 - 7 July 2020. The instrument used was a google form which was distributed through the enumerator network. Data analysis was carried out descriptively related to the 6 measured behaviors. Results: youths’ adherence in preventing transmission and spread of Covid-19 to always use a mask 62%, wash hands 63.15%, maintain physical distance 67%, social distancing 71.18%, reduce mobility 77.6% and efforts to improve physical health and body immunity 44.35%. Overall, most youths (64.2%) adhered to always implement the 6- behaviors according to the health protocol. Continuous education is needed so that more Indonesian youths are obedient and committed to implement health protocols.


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