Repository Karya Dosen

Modul Bahasa Inggris I

Kumpulan : Jurnal Ilmiah (Non-Kategori) [Indonesia]
Edisi/Volume : ,
Pengarang : Eka Wulandari, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Klasifikasi/Subjek : ,
Penerbitan : Poltekkes Malang, Malang: 2018.
Bahasa : Indonesia
Lokasi : PUSAT-Etalase-A-
Jumlah : 1


Preface This module is intended to improve students’ capabilities in using spoken and written English. It is expected that this module can equip students with necessary patterns, vocabularies, and functions to be used in communication using English language, especially dealing with nursing subjects. By learning those factors related in language study, students will produce more communicative and effective language. This module is far from perfect, so suggestions and criticisms are very much welcome. Thank you. The writer


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